
Saturday, June 4, 2011



Fetch is a fantastic way to give your dog aerobic exercise. Get an
old tennis racket to get some real distance on those tennis balls.
Jogging is another way to get canine hearts pumping. If you don't
jog and your dog is well-behaved on his leash, you may have a
friend or neighbor who'd welcome the company and the added
security. Swimming is a natural for retriever types, and if you're
lucky enough to be near an off-leash dog park, play with other dogs
is a first-rate exercise option.

Bicycling is another great exercise, and three products are on the
market designed to help you bicycle safely. They attach to the
bicycle and so allow you to keep both of your hands on the
handlebars - a much safer plan than holding onto a leash with one
hand and the bike with the other. The three products on the market
are the Springer, the Bicycle Dog Leash, and the K9 Cruiser.

Roadwork such as jogging or tagging alongside a bicycle can be good
for dogs, but remember to pace your dog properly: A brisk trot is

Thinking of inventing an indoor dog exerciser? A treadmill for
dogs? Don't bother: They've been around for years. One such product
is The Trotter, a variable-speed treadmill used by show-dog
handlers to keep dogs in top condition for the ring. The Trotter
can be yours for a mere $1,000 or more so keep that high price in

Or you can just buy a regular treadmill down at your local Sears...
and it even comes with a warranty!

A few caveats about exercise, especially roadwork:
Have your veterinarian sign off on any exercise program, making
sure that your dog hasn't any joint problems that rule out any
particular kind of exercise. Make sure that you build up slowly,
especially if your dog is overweight. Let your dog set the pace,
and check the bottoms of his feet (the smooth parts are called
pads) often for tears or cuts.

Exercise when the weather is cool - dogs aren't as efficient at
lowering their body temperature as we are - carry water, always,
and know the signs of heat stress: glassy eyes, frantic panting. If
your dog gets in trouble, get him wet and call your veterinarian

Do not force puppies to sustain a pounding pace, especially on
pavement, lest you injure their developing bones. That means no
jogging or bicycling until they're through adolescence - one year
old is a good ballpark figure, but check with your veterinarian.

1 comment:

  1. Informative read about dog fitness,Proper exercise routine is really essential for healthy for a dogs health. It boosts blood circulation and tones up the muscles.Lack of exercise leads to poor muscle tone, obesity, heart ailments, bone disorders and often results in emotional problems and dog behavior quirks.
